Jasper Clinic  










Why Should I Volunteer? 

You Help Us Meet Exacting Standards.
Clinical research is essential to the development of new medicines to meet the world's health care needs. It involves carefully controlled studies to evaluate how people tolerate new drugs, how drugs are absorbed and excreted by the body and how well they achieve their intended effects. As a leader in the research and development of new medicines, Jasper Clinic insists that its clinical research meets exacting standards.

We Need You.
The Jasper Clinic Research Clinic in Kalamazoo, Michigan, located on the campus of Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, works to gain a better understanding of both new and existing medicines. These studies need the involvement of men and women volunteers.

We'll Pay You.
All volunteers are compensated for their participation. Pay depends on such factors as the length of stay and the nature of the procedures involved in the study. The typical payment for a 24-hour stay is $140. All volunteers receive $25 for completing the health screening visit, whether they are selected for the study or not.

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