Jasper Clinic

What's The Program About? 

Who is Eligible to Volunteer?
The Jasper Clinic Research Clinic has an ongoing need for volunteers. In general, men and women between 18 and 55 who are in good health are ideal candidates. However, each study has specific requirements regarding the gender, age, weight, and health status of volunteers.

What is involved?
Studies conducted at the clinic vary in length. Some can be completed in a single day while others are carried out over several consecutive days and involve overnight stays at the clinic. To make these stays as comfortable as possible, the clinic has a lounge and recreation areas where volunteers can relax during free time. The process of enrolling in a study begins with a meeting at the clinic where the volunteer will learn details of a study and have an opportunity to ask questions. Interested candidates are asked to sign a consent form and to arrange a follow-up health screening visit. This screening visit involves various laboratory tests and a physical examination. Results of these tests are reviewed by the clinic staff. Volunteers who qualify are contacted by phone and invited to participate in a study.

What are the current studies?
Click for our list of new and current studies being held at our Clinical Research Unit.

What Precautions are Taken?
Each study proposed by the clinic must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board. This committee of experts is responsible for ensuring that studies are designed and conducted to the highest medical and ethical standards. In addition, the permission of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration is required before any drug can be used in a study.














Jasper Clinic
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