Company Info
Company Overview
- Jasper Clinical Research & Development, Inc. is an independent phase I-III clinical CRO. While specializing in innovative early clinical studies, Jasper delivers exceptional speed, flexibility and value to clients with imple biopharmaceutic and pilot clinical studies.
- Jasper Clinic, Inc. is a 50 bed unit that excels in first in human, cardiac safety, PK/PD, drug interaction and methodology studies, and has proven expertise incorporating pharmacogenetics and biomarkers into studies.
- Jasper has a proven record of excellence in phase I study conduct in support of project needs throughout clinical development. Ask to speak to clients that are willing to give you direct input on their experience here - we'll introduce you.
- Jasper partners easily with other life sciences CROs when needed, regardless of location, to deliver complete, integrated solutions to clinical study needs.
- Jasper's nursing, medical and scientific staff averages over 15 years of industry experience in a broad range of therapeutic areas.
- Jasper is located on the campus of Bronson Hospital, and is physically connected to its Level 1 trauma center.
- Jasper staff provide resource-effective and scientifically sound input into lead assessment, exploratory development, pharmacokinetic analyses and clinical pharmacology R&D planning. Jasper's project managers are experienced providers protocol and study report writing, clinical trial monitoring and study management services.
Recent Successes
- Designed, conducted and interpreted proof-of-mechanism study
- Phase IV formulation comparison study
- Recruited PK/tolerability in glaucoma / ocular hypertension
- 2 First -Time- in- Human studies completed; 1 extended for biomarker refinement
- Pilot bioavailability trial for nutritional supplement
- First-time-in -Human in normals with non-absorbed drug, strict dietary control
- PK/PD / tolerability CNS study in elderly (65-90)
- PK/tolerability in type II diabetic subsets (two clients)
- Biomarker POTV & "Theranostic" methodology study with ethnic subsets
- Two device studies
- Smoking study
- Pivotal QT trial bundled into larger project
- Innovative Analytics
- PharmOptima
- AvTech
- Bronson Methodist Hospital
- Southwest Michigan First
- e-Research Technology
- Medifacts
- Biomedical Systems Corporation
- Advanced Cardiac Healthcare
- Clinical Logistics Inc
- Alpine
- Forensic Fluids Laboratories